Friday, February 19, 2016

Aiden Can Hear!

Aiden's procedure went very well yesterday! He was nervous going in, but he was a little trooper and did awesome! We had wonderful nurses that helped to keep him somewhat distracted and feel at ease. Here is a picture of him in pre-op:

He ended up only needing a tube in the left ear.  The doctor said he suctioned a lot of stuff out of the left and that everything went as expected.  He woke up much better than Olivia did.  He was groggy and calm.  I think a lot has to do with his age and being able to understand more, but I didn't want another episode like Olivia had. Here's a picture after he woke up and ate his Popsicle. You can definitely tell he is out of it.

His surgery was at 8:30 and we were on out way home by 9:20. We had to get his prescription ear drops and I got him a pop and crackers because he was complaining his tummy didn't feel good. We were home by shortly after 10, where he kept eating crackers and after about 10 minutes, perked right up. We watched the Minion Movie and then he was ready for lunch. Here he is, laying on the couch:

He has not complained of any pain except when he got the hiccups yesterday.  Then he said it felt a little sore, but felt better once he was done. He has to get drops twice a day for 7 days and he doesn't have to miss swimming.  The doctor said pools are fine. We had already cancelled his class for next week so he'll get to do a make-up the next week, which he'll like.

All in all, we are happy with the way yesterday went and he can hear much better.  He was yelling at the dog when he would bark to go out. He said it was so loud. He goes back in 3 weeks for a check-up.  I'm very curious to see the results of his hearing test.

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