Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Big Brother

So I know this post is long over due but this time I have an excuse...morning sickness. That's right...we are due April 4th. I plan on another C-section so I would think it would be the end of March but who knows. I would just prefer not to have an April Fool's Day baby. I have been so much sicker than I was with Aiden. The doctor even gave me medicine to take so I can keep some food down. Hopefully another month or so and it'll pass but who knows. We have told Aiden he's going to be a big brother and that mama has a baby in her belly and he picks up my shirt and says let me see.  He's a little too young to get it but once that baby comes home, I'm sure he'll be a handful for a couple weeks. We have...scratch that...I have decided not to find out what this one is going to be either (Andy wants to find out). There is no reason to know.  All the stuff we have is neutral and we can get clothes after the baby is born. It's a fun surprise. Anyway, I figured I should put a little update out here for everyone and I'll try to put up some pics soon from this summer. We're off to the thumb this weekend for Octagon Barn Days in Gagetown. Until next time.

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